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Barouk Palace Hotel is located 1,150 m2 above sea level and is positioned at the Barouk Mountain Range with a captivating view which covers the entire mountain range. Barouk Palace is not simply a hotel, it is a resort where guests can enjoy a variety of facilities without having to leave the hotel.


Barouk Palace Hotel is the only one of its kind in the Shouf area that provides such a wide range of services and high quality at affordable prices. Barouk Palace targets a variety of different kinds of people and its purpose is to provide good service, food, leisure, and entertainment at unbeatable prices.


Barouk Palace Hotel, composed of 3 floors, offers 24-hour service to all its guests and includes a total of 25 rooms, 15 of which are suites and 10 single and double rooms.
One floor includes the lobby, a restaurant for breakfast and lunch, a bar for late-night drinks, and a snack shop where a variety of pastries and goodies are available.
Another floor hosts an Arabic restaurant, which is ideal for parties and gatherings all year round.

The restaurant walls are made of glass where diners can enjoy the beautiful view of the mountains and gardens, especially when it's raining or snowing. Barouk Palace Hotel has a wide range of facilities including 4 Restaurants, a Swimming Pool, Arabian Tent Café, Camping, a Garden, and Excursion Tours just to name a few.


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